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Standard Deviation
Translating a gene expression signature for multiple myeloma prognosis into a robust high-throughput assay for clinical use 
Analysis of MyPRS Control Sample stability over time. MyPRS Control Sample stability over time; (A) <t>H929</t> Control sample GEP70 scores generated bewteen August 2012 and August 2013 exhitit high stability over time. No gradual shift up or down in risk score is observed. Standard deviation of risk scores in this analysies was 2.72 and a CV of 0.03. (B) Control sample data from September 2013 to February 2014 (new aliquot of H929) shows further improvements in assay stability. Standard deviation 1.70, CV 0.019.
Translating a gene expression signature for multiple myeloma prognosis into a robust high-throughput assay for clinical use BMC Medical Genomics, 2022 Nov 28
"Analysis of MyPRS Control Sample stability over time. MyPRS Control Sample stability over time; (A) <t>H929</t> Control sample GEP70 scores generated bewteen August 2012 and August 2013 exhitit high stability over time. No gradual shift up or down in risk score is observed. Standard deviation of risk scores in this analysies was 2.72 and a CV of 0.03. (B) Control sample data from September 2013 to February 2014 (new aliquot of H929) shows further improvements in assay stability. Standard deviation 1.70, CV 0.019. "
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